The 2024 - Purple Mountain Throwdown Workouts


“Trail Blazer” - Workout #1

Individual - All Divisions

For time:

Run 2.2 Miles with sandbag carry section towards the turnaround (station 2-3-2)

Score: Time to complete the run

Time Cap: 60 minutes

Team - All Divisions

For Time:

In Pairs - Run 2.2 Miles Together - 1 Athlete Must Carry Sandbag at All times.

Score: Time when both athletes cross the finish line

Time Cap: 60 minutes

Rules/ Specifics: Weights for the run are 30lbs for scaled divisions & 40lbs for RX divisions. Pulpit Rock in North of the main venue, Athletes will be able to walk to the start line from the venue.

“Switch Back” - Workout #2

Individual RX

For time:

8 BBJO 24/20”

4 Power Snatch 115/80lbs

8 BBJO 24/20”

8 Power Snatch 115/80lbs

8 BBJO 24/20”

12 Power Snatch 115/80lbs

8 BBJO 24/20”

16 Power Snatch 115/80lbs

8 BBJO 24/20”

Score: Time / or reps at completion

Time Caps: 8mins

Individual Scaled

For time:

8 BBJO 24/20”

4 Power Snatch 95/65lbs

8 BBJO 24/20”

8 Power Snatch 95/65lbs

8 BBJO 24/20”

12 Power Snatch 95/65lbs

8 BBJO 24/20”

16 Power Snatch 95/65lbs

8 BBJO 24/20” 

Score: Time / or reps at completion

Time Cap: 8mins

Rules / Specifics 

  • Athletes must start behind the start line with one hand on the lane marker

  • Time ends when the athlete crosses the start line after finishing all reps

Team RX 

For Time:

Full Synchro on both movements:

8 BBJO 24/20”

4 Power Snatch 115/80lbs

8 BBJO 24/20”

8 Power Snatch 115/80lbs

8 BBJO 24/20”

12 Power Snatch 115/80lbs

8 BBJO 24/20”

16 Power Snatch 115/80lbs

8 BBJO 24/20”

Score: Time / or reps at completion

Time Cap: 8mins

Team Scaled

For Time:

Full Synchro on both movements:

8 BBJO 24/20”

4 Power Snatch 95/65lbs

8 BBJO 24/20”

8 Power Snatch 95/65lbs

8 BBJO 24/20”

12 Power Snatch 95/65lbs

8 BBJO 24/20”

16 Power Snatch 95/65lbs

8 BBJO 24/20”

Score: Time / or reps at completion

Time Cap: 8mins

Rules / Specifics 

  • Athletes must start behind the start line with one hand on the lane marker

  • Teams must be synchronized at the top of each snatch and at the bottom of each burpee box jump over

  • Time ends when the athlete cross the start line after finishing all reps (Both athletes must cross the start line for team)

“Rocky Mountain High” - Workout #3

Individual - RX

For time:

50’ DB Farmers Lunge 50s/35s

40 DB Shoulder to OH 50s/35s

50’ DB Farmers Lunge 50s/35s

40 Toes to Bar

50’ DB Farmers Lunge 50s/35s

40 DB Bench Press 50s/35s

50’ DB Farmers Lunge 50s/35s

40 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

50’ DB Farmers Lunge 50s/35s

60/50 Calorie Row


Score: Time / or reps at completion

Time Cap: 20mins

Scaled Individual

For time:

50’ DB Farmers Lunge 40s/30s

40 DB Shoulder to OH 40s/30s

50’ DB Farmers Lunge 40s/30s

25 Toes to Bar

50’ DB Farmers Lunge 40s/30s

40 DB Bench Press 40s/30s

50’ DB Farmers Lunge 40s/30s

25 Pull Ups

50’ DB Farmers Lunge 40s/30s

60/50 Calorie Row


Score: Time / or reps at completion

Time Cap: 20mins

Rules / Specifics 

  • Athletes must start behind the start line with one hand on the lane marker.

  • Once the work out starts athletes will run from the lane markers to the dumbbells (rig side) to start their lunges.

  • Lunge lanes will be a 50 ft length divided into 10 ft sections.

  • Failure to meet the Lunge standard will result in the athlete moving back to the last 10 ft section

  • If an athlete drops the dumbbells before completing and 50ft section the athlete must return to the last marker 10ft section.

  • Time ends when the athlete completes the required calories.

Rules / Specifics 

  • Athletes must start behind the start line with one hand on the lane marker

  • Teams can rotate and share all reps at anytime with the exception of the DB Farmers lunge

  • Lunge lanes will be a 50 ft length divided into 10 ft sections

  • Once an Athlete starts a 50ft section the athlete can not switch until they completed the entire section

  • Failure to meet the Lunge standard will result in the athlete moving back to the last 10 ft section

  • If an athlete drops the dumbbells before completing and 50ft section the athlete must return to the last marker 10ft section.

  • For Teams, athletes can not begin the next movement until both athletes are at the movement area (The rig or past the lunge line closest to the start line)

  • Movements must be completed in the order written

  • Time ends when the athlete or team completes the required calories

Scaled Team 

For Time:

400’ DB Farmers Lunge 40s/30s - (8x50’)

40 Toes to Bar

80 DB Shoulder to OH 40s/30s

40 Pull Ups

80 DB Bench 40s/30s

80 Calorie Row  

Score: Time / or reps at completion

Time Cap: 20mins

Team - RX 

For Time:

400’ DB Farmers Lunge 50s/35s - (8x50’)

80 Toes to Bar

80 DB Shoulder to OH 50s/35s

80 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

80 DB Bench 50s/35s

80 Calorie Row 

Score: Time / or reps at completion

Time Cap: 20mins

“Micro Brew” - Workout #4

Individual - RX

16 minute Workout

 AMRAP 2:00 x 5 with 90 seconds of rest between rounds

16/12 Calorie Echo Bike

Max Cleans in remaining time

  • Men:185/205/225/245/265

  • Women: 125/145/155/165/180s

Score: Reps at Completion

Scaled Individual

16 minute workout 

AMRAP 2:00 x 5 with 90 seconds rest between Rounds

14/10 Calorie Echo Bike

Max Cleans in remaining time

  • Men: 125/145/165/185/205

  • Women: 85/105/115/125/145

Score: Reps at Completion

Rules / Specifics

  • Individual athletes must start each interval behind the start line

  • Athletes must change their weight during the rest period. If the weights are not correct the athlete must fix the weight before starting the echo bike. The time clock will not stop 

Team - RX

17 minute workout

AMRAP 2:00 x 6 with 1 minute rest between Rounds

Athletes Alternate Part 1 and Part 2 Each Round

Part 1: 20/14 Calorie Echo Bike

Part 2: Max Cleans in remaining time

  • Men:165/185/205/225/245/265

  • Women:110/125/145/155/165/180

Score: Reps at Completion

Scaled Team

17minute workout

AMRAP 2:00 x 6 with 1 minute rest between Rounds

Athletes Alternate Part 1 and Part 2 Each Round

Part 1: 16/12 Calorie Echo Bike

Part 2: Max Cleans in remaining time

  • Men:105/125/145/165/185/205

  • Women:65/85/105/115/125/145


Score: Reps at Completion

Rules / Specifics

  • Teams and Individual athletes must start each interval behind the start line

  • For Teams the athlete performing cleans can not move past the start line until the athlete on the bike completes their calories

  • Athletes must change their weight during the rest period. If the weights are not correct the athlete or team must fix the weight before starting the echo bike. The time clock will not stop 

  • Teams must alternate athletes between part A and part B each round

“Black Diamond” - Workout #5

Individual - RX

For Time:

10 Rounds

3 Ring Muscle Ups

30’ HS Walk - 10ft HSW sections

15 Deadlift 155/105lbs

Score: Time / or reps at completion

Time Cap: 15mins

Team - RX

For Time:

10 Rounds

5 Bar Muscle Ups (Athletes can share the reps)

Athlete A: 30’ UB HS Walk

Athlete B: 30’ UB HS Walk

15 Synchronized Deadlift 155/105lbs

Score: Time / or reps at completion

Time Cap: 18mins

Rules / Specifics

  • Teams and Individual athletes must start behind the start line with one hand on the lane marker

  • The HSW length will be 30ft divided into 10ft sections

  • If a athlete comes down before completing the 30ft length or fails to meet the HSW standard they must return to the last marked 10ft section

  • For Team each athlete must complete the HSW distance completely before the next partner can go, order is determined by the team.

  • Teams must be synchronized at the top of the deadlift reps.

  • Time ends when the athlete crosses the start line after finishing all reps (Both athletes must cross the start line for team)

Scaled Team


For Time

Partner A and B alternate after completing one round

12 Rounds:

6 Devils Press

30’ Overhead DB Carry

6 DB Box Step Overs 20/16”

30’ Overhead DB Carry


Score: Time / or reps at completion

Time Cap: 18mins

Scaled Individual


For Time

8 Rounds:

6 Devils Press 40/30lbs

30’ Overhead DB Carry

6 DB Box Step Overs 20/16”

30’ Overhead DB Carry


Score: Time / or reps at completion

Time Cap: 15mins

Rules / Specifics

  • Teams and Individual athletes must start behind the start line with one hand on the lane marker

  • The overhead carry length will be 30ft divided into 10ft sections

  • If an athlete drops the dumbbells before completing the 30ft length they must return to the last marked 10ft section.

  • For Teams, One athlete must complete an entire round before switching with a partner. 

  • Partners can swap once the Dumbbells have been returned to the stall mat for devils press

  • Time ends when the athlete cross the start line after finishing all reps (Both athletes must cross the start line for team))

“John Hellway” - Workout #6

Individual - RX

For Time:

200m Shuttle Run (8x25m)

4 Rope Climbs

20 Thrusters 135/95lbs


Score: Time / or reps at completion

Time Cap: 4mins

Scaled Individual

For Time:

200m Shuttle Run (8x25m)

2 Rope Climbs

20 Thrusters 95/65lbs


Score: Time / or reps at completion

Time Cap: 4mins

Team - RX

For Time:

Performed as a relay of Part A and Part B - teams must choose who does which part and that athlete completes their part alone.

Part A

300m Shuttle Run (12x25m)

3/2 Legless Rope Climbs

20 Thrusters 95/65lbs

Part B

100m Suicide (4x25m)

4 Rope Climbs 12ft

20 Thrusters 135/95lbs


Score: Time / or reps at completion

Time Cap: 8mins

Scaled Team

For Time:

Performed as a relay of Part A and Part B - teams must choose who does which part and that athlete completes their part alone.

Part A

300m Shuttle Run (12x25m)

6 Floor the standing Ropes pulls

20 Thrusters 75/55lbs

Part B

100m Shuttle Run (4x25m)

2 Rope Climbs

20 Thrusters 95/65lbs


Score: Time / or reps at completion

Time Cap: 8mins

Rules / Specifics

  • Teams and Individual athletes must start behind the start line with one hand on the lane marker

  • Athletes must do a three-point touch when completing a 25m shuttle, with exception of the start and finish (failure results in the athlete returning the to the line and touching 3 points behind it)

  • For teams the second athlete can start one the first athlete crosses the finish line

  • For Teams, athletes must change the weight once part A has been completed (Athletes roll the barbell back to the first stall matt section.

  • Athletes will move up the barbell after the completion of 10 reps~

  • Partners can swap once the Dumbbells have been returned to the stall mat for devils press

  • Time ends when the individual or final athlete cross the start line after finishing all reps